General Terms and Conditions of Business
IMPORTANT NOTE: The following is a translation into English of our German General Terms of Business to promote understandability for our foreign customers. The Contract and the General Business Terms remain subject to German Law and German jurisdiction.
The team does not assume responsibility for misprints, accuracy or completeness of all information and statements as well as their manner of presentation. The respect of rights to images, texts, trademarks, as well as all other digital elements resides with the authors and companies named and stated herein. In the event of a copyright infringement by display of an image or text on our website, we do not act scienter and we kindly ask You to inform us about any copyright infringement we are committing. Thereafter we will promptly remove all disputable services.
The logos, design elements, images and trademarks used on this website are intellectual property of TAGkonzept Event GmbH. Logos and trademarks held by TAGkonzept Event GmbH may under no circumstances be used by third parties. For any further questions please refer to the Webmaster: . Design elements and layout of this website may not be copied or reproduced, except written permission has been granted. Please regard trademark and copyright law as well as neighboring rights. Not authorized use and/or copyright or trademark infringements will promptly be prosecuted in civil and criminal courts.
Conditions of use and liability of TAGkonzept Event GmbH for Wies’n Camp:
1. People registered on the Wies’n Camp are covenant to follow the intern rules of Wies’n Camp and to comply with the instructions of the safety personnel.
2. The consumption of alcoholic beverages outside of the catering area is strictly prohibited. Furthermore, it is strictly prohibited to bring alcoholic beverages along into the Wies’n Camp area. Infringement of this rule will be sanctioned by the safety personnel. Alcoholic beverages brought along will be retained and handed back on the day of departure.
3. Visitors are allowed only after prior registration and will be expelled from the premises in case of disregard.
4. As soon as the custumer filled in a reservation and paid via PayPal, he receives a reservation confirmation. When the confirmation is sent, the contract is completed.
The customer is contractually given the right to withdraw from the contract up to 4 weeks before the agreed date of his arrival. In this case, all payments received will be refunded minus the booking fee (5%, min. 5€ of the booking value). If there is a period of less than 4 weeks but more than 10 working days between the customer’s withdrawal and the agreed date of arrival, the customer will be refunded 50% of the amount received on the Wies’n Camp account (minus the booking fee of 5%, min. 5€). If the customer withdraws at a time that is less than 10 working days to the agreed date of arrival, no refund can be made.
In any case, the customer is free to substantiate greater saved expenditures by the landlord.
5. The customer is obliged to entirely remove all personal items and trash from the accommodation or pitch before check-out. In case of gross contamination of tent, Loft, Popup Cabin, Alpine hut, airbed or the isolation mats the deposit will be retained. The tenant is free to substantiate that damage has not occurred, or, that it is substantially lower than the deposit. The landlord reserves the right, in case of a damage exceeding the retained the deposit, to charge the tenant for this higher damage compensation.
6. The general rest hours (01:00 am – 7:30 am) have to be respected.
7. We recommend to constantly carry valuables with you. We do not assume any liability for valuables that have been left in the accommodations, unattended in the office or in the car in case of theft. We also do not assume any liability for damages on cars, parked on the campground.
8. It is strictly prohibited to light open fire on the Wies’n Camp area.
9. It is not permitted to bring animals onto the Wies’n Camp area.
10. On the day of departure the accommodation must be be vacated by 11.00 am. Otherwise another overnight stay is to be paid.
11. With the completed check-in-form, you will receive a control wristband. This wristband cannot be transferred to others. Access to the Wies’n Camp area can only be permitted with undamaged wristbands.
12. We kindly request you to keep the area clean, so that all guest can have a pleasant stay.
13. Disclaimer of liability
13.1. We and our agent personnel are unrestrictedly liable for intentional and grossly negligent behavior.
13.2. In case of ordinary negligence, we are only liable if fundamental contractual obligations are infringed. Fundamental contractual obligations are such obligations that for the sense and the purpose of the contract need to be warranted to the guest, as they substantially affect the proper implementation of the contract, and the guest can reasonably rely on their adherence.
13.3. Our liability for ordinarily negligent behavior is limited to the damages that are typical and foreseeable for this type of contract.
13.4. We do not assume liability for collateral damages or loss of profits in case of ordinary negligence – except a case of unrestricted liability of Sec. 13.2. is applicable.
13.5. Limitations or disclaimers of liability subsequent to Sec. 13.2, 13.3., or 13.4. are not applicable if a strict liability regardless of fault is stated by law; or if liability was assumed within a contractual guarantee; or in case of injury of body, life, or health.
13.6. Provided that our liability is disclaimed or limited, this disclaimer or limitation is also applicable for the personal liability of our statutory representatives and agents.
Effective: 08/2023